also referred to as Ladies Tobacco, Mouse Ear
Antennaria plantaginifolia
A low colony-forming plant that spreads by runners (stolons) with basal leaves and erect stems, each bearing a flower head that resembles a cat’s paw. This plant is happy on acid soil in lean, gritty, dry hillsides. Good groundcover on rocky slopes.
Height: 6-12”
Spread: 0.6-1’
Pot size: 1 qt
Bloom time: April-June. Blooms are white.
Light: Full sun to part shade
Moisture: Dry with high drought tolerance
Attracts: Host plant for American Lady Butterfly
Companion Plants: Violets, Blue-eyed Grass, Strawberries, Blueberries
Photo by MGV Ginger Hughes
also referred to as Ladies Tobacco, Mouse Ear
Antennaria plantaginifolia
A low colony-forming plant that spreads by runners (stolons) with basal leaves and erect stems, each bearing a flower head that resembles a cat’s paw. This plant is happy on acid soil in lean, gritty, dry hillsides. Good groundcover on rocky slopes.
Height: 6-12”
Spread: 0.6-1’
Pot size: 1 qt
Bloom time: April-June. Blooms are white.
Light: Full sun to part shade
Moisture: Dry with high drought tolerance
Attracts: Host plant for American Lady Butterfly
Companion Plants: Violets, Blue-eyed Grass, Strawberries, Blueberries
Photo by MGV Ginger Hughes
also referred to as Ladies Tobacco, Mouse Ear
Antennaria plantaginifolia
A low colony-forming plant that spreads by runners (stolons) with basal leaves and erect stems, each bearing a flower head that resembles a cat’s paw. This plant is happy on acid soil in lean, gritty, dry hillsides. Good groundcover on rocky slopes.
Height: 6-12”
Spread: 0.6-1’
Pot size: 1 qt
Bloom time: April-June. Blooms are white.
Light: Full sun to part shade
Moisture: Dry with high drought tolerance
Attracts: Host plant for American Lady Butterfly
Companion Plants: Violets, Blue-eyed Grass, Strawberries, Blueberries
Photo by MGV Ginger Hughes